Why You Should Invest In A Bathroom Remodel

Bathrooms occupy this strange space between utility and aesthetic addition in our homes. Yes, a fully functional bathroom is indeed a necessity, but it also plays various other roles in our day-to-day lives. From a place to groom ourselves to get ready. A place to check our hair and make-up before we dash out. A place we store our medications and first aid kit. Or even just a place where we get to unwind and relax after a long and tiresome day; bathrooms are indeed a room of requirement as per our changing needs.

However, despite being an essential component in our lives, many people are unaware that bathrooms also need proper upkeep and remodeling to function effectively. In this article, we tell you few key reasons why it might be time for you to consider remodeling your bathroom.

Worn Out/Damaged Bathroom Fixtures

Due to being in constant use and a wet & humid environment, bathroom fixtures tend to wear out faster compared to any other functional or decor elements in your home. Moreover, you might start noticing plumbing problems, such as leaky faucets, constantly dripping pipes or low water pressure. Not only are these kinds of issues irksome, but many times they can also result in health hazards. Growth of mildew, rust, water stains, and broken or slippery tiles could lead to problems, which can be easily avoided by going for the bathroom remodeling.

Enhance Home Value Before Sale

Enhance Home Value Before Sale

If you plan to put up your house for sale, one of the high-priority things you should include in your list is extensive bathroom remodeling. Compared to the other rooms and areas in a home, bathrooms tend to show the maximum wear and tear. Even if you have been meticulous in keeping your bathroom squeaky clean, there are bound to be issues that might put off potential buyers. Cloudy/cracked mirrors, damp smell, an old-fashioned design, lack of storage space are reasons for which could potentially cause you to lose out on a good offer for your home. Even if your bathroom has no such issues, it is still worth your while to go for a bathroom remodel. This small expenditure could earn you a handsome profit by boosting the value of your home. So, it is essential to revamp your bathroom to leave a good impression on the future buyer.

Bring A New Lease Of Life

Even if you have no plans of selling your home, you might still consider a bathroom up-gradation. For many homeowners, while constructing a new home, a budget constraint could have resulted in minimizing the bathroom expenditure. And given the fact that bathrooms are constantly in use, an upgrade is always postponed. After years of living in a home, you should seriously think of going for a bathroom remodel. You could go for a complete change of color scheme, put in new pipes and fixtures, put in new mirrors to make your bathroom look all new and shiny. A well-planned bathroom remodel is not costly and can be completed in a matter of days. So, if you plan to live in your house for a few more years, you should get your bathroom revamped.

Accessibility Across Generations

At times a bathroom remodel may become a necessity to accommodate changes in your family. It could be required to accommodate the needs of a pregnant woman. Or if your aging parents are going to move in. In the pandemic, many college-going children moved back home as their classes went virtual. In some cases, a physical disability of one of the family members necessitates a complete overhaul of the bathroom. Some common accessibility-focused changes are altering the height of the bathroom sink or getting slip-resistant tiles. Installing handrails, widening the door to accommodate a wheelchair and many more. These changes would enable your family to utilize the bathroom independently and safely.

Going Green

Going Green

With climate change and the looming water crisis in major cities, remodeling your bathroom to a more environment-friendly level could be a necessary change. Although you may have used the best materials and put in high-grade fixtures, there is still a high chance that your bathrooms could be made more energy-efficient and redesigned to conserve water. Getting a water-conserving showerhead, efficient faucets, or low-flow toilets could make a considerable reduction in your water bills. Most bathrooms tend to have windows for both light and ventilation. But these also result in loss of heat during the colder months. Installing energy-saving windows will help you cut your heat requirements while maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom.

Creation Of Me Space

This age of high-stress lives is countered only by an equal need for self-care. A bathroom remodel could be your ticket to a calmer mind and endless relaxation. Imagine walking into your bathroom after a long day at work — you put on some music, light a few candles, fill up the tub, throw in your favorite bath bomb and get in for a long and luxurious soak. If reading this makes you feel relaxed, then you seriously deserve to treat yourself to the bathroom of your dreams. It could be large-sized his/her sinks, adding a big tub, installing a beautiful shower with a range of shower, pressure, and water stream options, or BlueTooth or voice-enabled sound system so that you can relax with your favorite tunes. You can convert your bathroom into a beautiful haven for much-needed respite and break.


Now that you are aware of some reasons why you should seriously consider a bathroom remodel, it is time for you to flip through architectural and interior decorating magazines. For the more net-savvy, there are a plethora of ideas available online with impeccable photographs. However, do keep in mind that you must consult a highly qualified and experienced construction firm.

A bathroom remodel is a technically challenging endeavor. A good construction company will have full knowledge of the rules, regulations, and permits required. They will be able to examine your existing bathroom and suggest cost-effective and practically feasible ways of bringing your dream bathroom to reality.